Auf einen Blick

Once through the Ahreifel with the RTF Bad Neuenahr. The RTF itself is of the "old breed", i.e. bad signposting, even worse food and a lot of plastic waste. Just like in the old days :-) But the route is very nice, but you can't go wrong in the area.

Of course, there are a lot of elevation gain and a few climbs that are much longer than in the Bergisch region:

  • Immediately after the first check, it goes up towards Effelsberg, 2.8 km with 150 m elevation gain
  • Then - if you are already a bit tired - it goes up to Wershofen, the L74 Climb is the largest "mountain" with 4 km and 200 meters of altitude
  • And finally Todenfeld, 4 km with 180 m elevation gain

After that, it's all downhill for 15 km and you can still do something for the cut :-)
